Monday, December 28, 2020
Sunday, December 27, 2020
Easiest Way To Thrive in 2021
It's time to crank up those 2021 goals with a new year upon us. Why not choose a simple way?
One of the easiest methods of achieving success is to stick to tried and true. That doesn't mean you can't move toward something more meaningful. It means that you forgo new knowledge and skill and leverage what you already understand.
The easy way to success assumes:
1) You already have experience and wisdom. You will learn any new skill if, and only if needed.
2) You will choose the path of least resistance. The goal is to get the results you want in the fastest period. No distractions. No zig-zagging.
3) Overthinking burns too many brain calories. If you find yourself confused and stuck, accept that you may need to reevaluate your plan. Do it fast.
Human nature will compel you to clutter your success journey with distraction. Seek the direct route to the results you want. It's easier.
* This article was originally published here
Friday, December 25, 2020
Short Inspirational Quotes | Super Motivational Quotes | AppStatusHub.Com

appstatushub posted a photo:
“Children are great imitators. So give them something great to imitate.” Get more than 1000 Amazing Quotes about Life and Super Motivational Quotes for WhatsApp Status and Facebook Status online at AppStatusHub.Com Here you can find all types of Inspirational Quotes in Hindi and English.
Read more:
* This article was originally published here
Monday, December 21, 2020
Sunday, December 20, 2020
Grateful For The Past Year
It's the time of year when gift-giving is everywhere - but those are not the most important you have received.
Every day that passes, you experience life. The good. The bad. The ugly. Those experiences add up to incredible life lessons that you carry forever.
That leads me to a question -
What experiences did you have last year that you consider a gift?
It is challenging or pleasurable. How you perceive has the power to transform your future.
As you head into Christmas, take a moment and give thanks for the gifts that 2020 produced. That'll make the next year even better.
* This article was originally published here
Thursday, December 17, 2020

social.rishavbasu posted a photo:
“The Best Way To Get Started Is To Quit Talking And Begin Doing.” – Walt Disney
* This article was originally published here
Monday, December 14, 2020
Why People Fail at Their Goals
Setting goals is a process that can happen automatically or consciously. Sometimes you find yourself on a path. Other times you choose your path, which is the only way to control your outcome.
Why should you choose your path?
Because there are three elements to successful goal completion:
1) Principles are the foundation that supports your belief or behavior.
2) Strategies are your action plan to achieve your goal.
3) Tactics are the steps you take to achieve your final goal.
Think. Plan. Act. That’s the path forward to reach any goal.
Focus on Principles, Strategies, and Tactics. Anything else will cause you to slide backward.
* This article was originally published here
Sunday, December 13, 2020
Opportunity Discrimination
Do you have too many options and are having a difficult time choosing?
There is a concept called "Opportunity Cost.” It is simply the value gained or the value lost in deciding what opportunities you will pursue.
I tend to focus on another question entirely -
"Does an opportunity provide the fastest and most direct path for me to reach my goals?"
It's easy to look at almost any opportunity and justify a path, especially if you are being persuaded by someone else. It’s more difficult to make a choice.
If you want to break free from a stalled life, you must eliminate anything that takes you off course and stay focused on your goals.
* This article was originally published here
Friday, December 11, 2020
Wednesday, December 9, 2020
Tuesday, December 8, 2020
Susan Ertz
* This article was originally published here
Jawaharlal Nehru
* This article was originally published here
Sunday, December 6, 2020
2021 is the Year of Decision
I’ve learned the single most powerful way to build momentum is to make a decision. That's why I’ve chosen “Decide” as my guiding word for next year.
When you make a decision, any decision, it can be life-changing - as long as you understand…
Decision making is not about a “Yes or No.” Like Yin and Yang, each is the same as the other, only opposite.
A decision is also not about “Maybe.” Unlike being opposite, it's a confusing mess of everything negative and positive.
What is decision making about?
It’s about cutting off all other options and focusing your energy forward. As you gain momentum, you leave your frustrations behind.
Deciding can be scary. But it can also be exhilarating. It's also a good habit to develop.
* This article was originally published here
Wednesday, December 2, 2020
Setting Goals The Smart Way
I'm a big fan of setting big-ass goals. Dreaming BIG is my natural state - which is why S.M.A.R.T. goals are not all that smart.
S.M.A.R.T. stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-Bound.
While it may seem like a good plan, I can't wrap my head around not setting goals because they don't seem achievable or realistic.
Excuse me?
Since when did big-ass goals seem achievable and realistic?
If that were true, you would already be doing them. Anytime you are moving from dreaming into doing you will be living in the land of crazy and scary.
If you hold yourself to what is achievable and realistic, you might as well keep doing what you're doing.
Instead… dream BIG and start taking baby steps. It won’t be long before your goals become real.
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* This article was originally published here
A Different Way of Planning
I was on the phone with a client this morning when he said, ”I don’t know why I have such a hard time planning my day-to-day stuff? I just want my day to be easier!”
I get it. Everybody does. And to make that happen, you need a mindset shift.
First to consider is that non-stop and continuous planning of every task every day is exhausting. It only adds another level of stress to your day.
Instead, planning should be done occasionally with a broader focus on short, medium, and long-term. The goal is NOT to spend your life planning. It is creating containers where you plan to do your work or play.
Once you have your containers, you load them with goals and tasks and get them done. When things require adjustments, make another plan.
Make your plan and work your plan. Don’t keep change things. That’s how you get what you want.
* This article was originally published here