Saturday, December 18, 2021
Wednesday, December 15, 2021
Isak Dinesen
* This article was originally published here
Friday, December 10, 2021
Daily Wishes Quotes

appstatushub posted a photo:
Huge collection of cute love status quotes in Hindi and English. I am not able to love myself so I fell in love with you because you loved me completely.
* This article was originally published here
Monday, December 6, 2021
How High is Your Ceiling
Sometimes, I scratch my head when people say something that I can’t believe is true. That has happened over the years when my wife, Joi says silly things like -
“I like to paint. It’s fun. I don’t like to do it all the time, but I like to paint.”
I guess it’s a perspective thing.
I’m not particularly eager to paint and would prefer to pay someone to paint. Joi likes to paint and chooses not to pay something to paint. So, if it makes her happy, I let her paint, which leaves me in an awkward situation of meandering around the house feeling guilty that she is painting and I’m watching paint dry.
I wonder if she hatched this evil plan to make me feel like a lazy husband?
It’s good she works out so she can keep climbing that ladder?
Is that paint on that expensive workout outfit?
Hmm… she does seem to be enjoying it. Oh well, happy wife, happy life - right?
I guess it’s a perspective thing.
One day, Joi was painting my office. I walked into my world domination chamber and she was up on a ladder with a confused look on her face.
“How high do you think this ceiling is? 12 feet? 14 feet?”
No, honey. The ceiling is 10 feet high.
“Really? It looks higher from up here. Are you sure?”
Yes. I’m sure. Everything looks different depending on where you are at the time.
It’s a perspective thing.
Joi continued painting, I started fixing lunch, and my mind settled in on two thoughts…
That experience is going to be a podcast and…
Perspective is everything in life. When you take a second to recognize that not everybody sees the world the way you see the world, everything gets better.
* This article was originally published here
Sunday, December 5, 2021
Do You Know Who You Are?
There’s a lot of talk about “ideology” these days, and it’s usually not in a good way.
But what about YOUR ideology?
Do you know who you are?
Before I go on, ideology is simply a creed, culture, dogma, outlook, philosophy, theory, or view. And let’s not forget ideas, principles, and tenants.
At the end of the day, an ideology is what you stand for in this world. And, if you do it well, it’s also how other people know what you stand for in this world. It’s also up to you to decide that for yourself. After all…
If you don’t know who you are and tell the world, the world will decide who you are and tell you who to be.
That’s why I have a living document that establishes who I am, what I believe, and serves as a foundation of growth and change as I live and evolve. I call it my “Who I Am” document. It’s all mine, and I share who I am with the world through my actions.
How do you see yourself?
How do others see you?
How do you act in situations?
What do you believe?
What kind of people do you hang out with?
What are the rules you follow for YOU?
This list is endless and should be. After all, you are a complicated and ever-changing person.
Can I make you a promise?
It’s easy these days to seek sources outside of yourself to find out who you are on the inside.
It’s also easy to let the agenda of others infiltrate your thinking and pull you down a path that isn’t who you are meant to be in this life.
The very instant that you sit down and document who you are and want to be, nothing else will matter. And the more dedicated you are to documenting YOU… the more you will get to be YOU.
How do you do it?
That’s easy too. Just ask yourself who you are in every area of your life, document your answer, and live it every day.
* This article was originally published here
Saturday, December 4, 2021
Jean Paul Richter
* This article was originally published here
Friday, December 3, 2021
Thursday, December 2, 2021
Wednesday, December 1, 2021
Positive, Practical, and Peaceful
I have to admit that I get in trouble because some of the Scott logic that comes out of my mouth doesn’t sit well with lots of folks these days - and they let me know.
One of the biggest comments…
“You seem like such a positive guy, and then it’s like something clicks in your head and go negative and ruin my day.”
While I don’t think I ever go negative, I’ve heard that many, many times.
Here’s the thing…
It would be easy for me to get caught in the feel-good trap of chasing positivity - if only for the sake of being positive. But I’m not interested in that. I am interested in the results. For me, that is a peaceful, content, joyful, and meaningful life. If you’ve been alive for more than a couple of decades, you know all of that is found lurking in the truth. That’s why I consider myself a practical positive guy, and you should too.
I believe an optimistic attitude is a power in life; I also think that you can never be truly happy until you are willing to dig deep into the not-so-positive challenges in life. Until you do that, you’ll you blocked. That’s why you’ll always hear me cover both sides. Frankly, I’m not interested in what we can and will do in our lives, I’m interested in the millions of interactions, decisions, and feelings we encounter every day that become the life we will have lived someday.
Stephen Fry said, “sticks and stone may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”
Almost everything that freaks folks out begins with words that come from others and yourself. Keep that in mind because…
When you choose to be positive, practical, and ground yourself in the truth, you will become at peace with everything around you - including yourself.
* This article was originally published here